
i mean really

who was the first person to put a penis in his/her mouth? who thought to themselves..."hmm..i wonder what itd be like to have that in my mouth?" and then actually did it...i mean really

tampon commercials...who wears white and then does gymnastics or goes swimming on their period? if i did that then my white bottoms ended up uhm...not white could i sue the braided string company for false advertisement, pain and suffering and a dry cleaning bill--lets be real a new outfit...mother nature wins...i mean really


tomorrow is not today

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

Everything always happens tomorrow

Hope comes tomorrow, Joy comes tomorrow, Peace comes tomorrow, Deliverance comes tomorrow

As Sarafina says ::freedom is coming tomorrow::

But what if I don’t make it through today?

I know tomorrow will eventually come but what if I don’t make it to see the morning sun

I know ::tomorrow, tomorrow:: is only a day away

But it feels like today will never end

I’d love to live to see my tomorrow but it seems today is trying to kill me

Hunting me down like Bill

I know peace is right around the corner and joy is on the day after

But I can’t walk anymore and my knees are sore from crawling

I don’t know if I can make it to tomorrow Little Orphan Annie

So what do you want me to do about today?

Today, Today! Today? I feel like killing myself!

But life

Comes tomorrow, hope comes tomorrow

I’m hopeless- today

Today, Today Annie!

I need hope now, I need joy now, I need peace now

I need to be delivered now

Jesus, Jesus! I need You now!

:: I need you now, right now right now, I need you now! Not a second or another minute LORD. Can’t wait another day LORD, I need you right away::