It seems recently you've wanted to know who I was
Who I am, and who I may someday be...
There's not a description I could give, a sentence I could use to sum me up. Not all of me.
I simply ask then that you watch, observe, search seek and simply find
In the details
I'm in the details
The daily, inadequate, diminutive, minutiae that seems so small but holds more water than the mother's vases held oil
Even smaller, smaller still the acute, the microscopic and miniscule, slight and stunted, teensy tiny circumstantially common seemingly inconsequential
Smaller still
I'm right there
But so big and grandiose I can't be avoided or maneuvered
Right there. I'm in the details
I'm in the nuts and bolts, the technically sound specifications that keep your structure standing.
The meat and potatoes in your five course meal.
That's me
Medium rare but not too too pink
In science I'm the element, engineering the component, music the staff, the eighteenth note the holds the rhythm that seems simply cacophonic on the surface but is oh so necessary to holding your ears captive
I'm the pauses in your sentence. The natural breathes you take when leaving a message, between your exhale and your inhale when you say your name
Right ...
I'm the particular peculiarity that perceives such minor points
I'm your portion
The aphorism, the edict, pronouncement and opinion, the diction, the dictum, the decision, the paragraph and sentence but not the story. The summary that sums me up is the period that should probably be a comma but works as a semicolon. The parenthetical peice of the passage you might could.skip. but who's absence reduces the emphasis or depth of the entire statement (if you pick up what I'm putting down) like the song of your life, the nitty gritty, by you (feat. Me)
I'm the thing you say that goes without saying But you said anyway.
Just because
I'm there
I'm here
I'm in the details
Waiting for you
to stop seek.and simply find
In the details
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